Kickball Home Page

Augusta Sports Leagues

Augusta Sports Leagues

Kick back and have fun on one of Augusta Sports Leagues’ co-ed kickball teams, which are designed to provide good exercise and a good time for all. Our kickball leagues are offered every season of the year and open to men and women. Each league plays one night a week.  Leagues are offered on Mondays,Thursday, and Sundays.Note: Sunday leagues are held in the afternoon in the Winter.  

Whether you’re new to kickball or have been kicking around for years, we’ll make sure to place you on a team that’s the right fit for your skill level. On Thursdays we host two divisions in the same league.  Competitive and "Super Fun" divisions help players get what they are looking for. 

Each kickball team has about 12 players, with 10 players on the field at all times. Augusta Sports Leagues’ co-ed rules allow for six men and four women to be on the field. During the season, your team will rally through seven regular games and then head into the playoffs with a chance at becoming league champs. 

Kickball is one of Augusta Sports Leagues' most popular sports and we're a leader in Augusta kickball scene. Keep the fun going by celebrating with your team at one of ASL's sponsor bars or restaurants after the match. 


Have a question about our kickball leagues? Contact the ASL team HERE to learn more. 

To register a Team click on any of the leagues listed below and choose the specific season and sport you wish to participate in. Free Agent/Individual Registration only available in designated leagues listed below.